Monday, June 24, 2013

Berkshire Living is the Life for Me!

Spring Fun

We enjoyed a busy spring with mommy working and grandma and grandpa here dotting on our special little man! Fashion-wise, spring was a good time for Ryder with him exploring many different looks...

A Very Special Sunday

We celebrated a very special Sunday in May.   My 1st Mother's Day and Ryder's Baptism. He was baptized at Marble Collegiate Church and he was the best baby! He didn't cry a peep and he really enjoyed his post-baptism brunch of bagels and loxs and all his favorite people!

And It Begins....

On a very hectic day at school (Field Day), I was surprised to receive this in my Inbox.......
Apparently, Ben had left him on his gym, gone to the bathroom and returned to find him 8 feet behind where he left him!

I'm 4 Months Old!

On May 1st, 2013 Ryder celebrated his 4th month and the month of Mommies! Since my mommy was in town (to take care of Ryder while I was at work) we were glad to include her in the monthly photo shoot!