Friday, March 29, 2013

This is How He Rolls

Ryder started rolling over around 2 1/2 months!

Little Swimmer

Wait, No One is Holding Me:(

Little man had quite an adjustment to make when he came home and realized there was just a mommy and daddy around.  The lack of grandparents definitely puts a dent in his cuddle time!

Spring Break

This is the 1st of many fun family vacations for our little family! We visited my parents in Englewood and then drove across the state to Ben's parents in Palm Beach Gardens.  It must have been quite a shock for a little bundle who spent most of his time inside a 1-bedroom apartment to suddenly spend his time on the beach, at the pool, swimming, dining al fresco, and going for long stroller rides in the sunshine!

Ryder Took Flight!

All that worrying about how the little man would do on the flight doing to Florida was silly! Turns out Ryder is a little flying man just like his flying mamma! He did such a great job (didn't cry once) that one both legs of the trip people all commented on what a great baby he was!  Everyone was very nice makes me wonder, where should we travel next!

It's Been a Long Winter...

Being a winter baby, Ryder would go days at a time without ever leaving the apartment so it made stroller rides and country hikes like these even more special!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane!

Today, our little family is flying to visit both sets of grandparents in Florida! This means Ryder's first flight!  I have to admit I am a bit anxious about flying with an infant.  I am wondering:
-Will my baby be the screaming baby on the plane that everyone hates?
-Should I nurse him or bottle feeding him breast milk?
-Will the person sitting next to me on the plane get super uncomfortable if I am nursing him?
-Will there be a clean, quiet place to change him and for me to pump?

It will definitely be an adventure! I am glad that he is traveling at such a young age; hopefully it will make it easier for him (and us) when he is older.

Tongue Wars

Ryder has started to imitate us, when we smile he smiles, when we stick our tongues out, he sticks his tongue out.  Daddy and him have started playing tongue wars (Ryder always wins).

2 Month Checkup

Ryder weighed in at a healthy 11.5 lbs at his 2 month checkup!  After struggling with feeding and his weight, it was a welcome relief that he had gained so nicely at this checkup.  The bad part of the visit was the two shots he got in his little thighs.  Oh, did he scream! No fun for Ryder (or mommy and daddy).  He got a bit of a fever when we got home and continued to not be much fun but by the next day he was back to his normal, happy self!