Monday, December 31, 2012

The Baby Karger Waiting Game

Baby Karger's official due date has come and gone.  We are now just waiting patiently for him.

 We are taking advantage of the extra time to finish up projects around the house (his 'nursery) and catch up on some sleep. We will ring in the New Year tonight, not in the hospital, but over prime rib and lobster with all of little mans grandparents.

When will he come?

Christmas in NYC!

Everyone arrived in NYC safely for the holidays and baby Karger's arrival! Grandpa Dan & Grandma Jayne drove in from Michigan and Grandpa Ed & Grandma Fran came home from Florida.  We were wondering if baby would be spending his first Christmas with us but he decided to stay cozy inside moms belly!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

1D Throws Ms. Ruiter a Baby Shower!

My first graders have been so sweet about the baby! They love to rub my belly and listen for the baby. They often tell me he is talking when they lay their head on my stomach:)  With the help of our class mommies they threw me the sweetest baby shower, each child gave me a book that was special to them when they were little.  They also wrote a book entitled, "Baby Advice With Love From 1D." Here are some of the tidbits of advice they gave me and Mr. Ben:
Dear Ms. Ruiter and Mr. Ben:
-Don't feed him hard stuff when he is young. If he has chubby cheeks you can pop them! Give him bedtime stories that come to life in his head.   -Aaron
-Give him lots of toys and give him little jackets with bow ties on them and little socks.  When you hold him cradle the head. He will feel more comfortable. -Barron
-Buy him a tie, it will look beautiful on him. He should be in bed early so he's not tired in the day.  -Lindsey
-Feed your baby applesauce because he won't have any teeth.  -Jimmy
-I hope you give him a snuggly animal and a baby sister.  Make sure he gets everything he needs but not everything he wants because sometimes that isn't always good.  -Clarissa
-I hope your baby likes living with you.   -Chloe
-Never take your eyes off your baby.  -Elliot
-When you're feeding the baby you have to put the spoon deep in his mouth, but not too deep.  -Eliza
-Give him spicy food when he is 3 or 4.  You should teach him how the calendar work when he is 2.  -Alex
-Buy your baby a Michigan shirt and a Michigan hat!  -Ben (his dad went to UM!)
-Give him a bath three times a day.  He will get messy in the park and eating his food.  Tickle him and he's gonna love it! He will giggle!   -Morgan
-I think you should buy your baby a tuxedo.  If he goes to a party he could be like the grown ups.  -Laila
-I hope you bring your baby to school. You can give him a pacifier and dress him up really cute.  -Matt
-I hope that you guys are good living together.  -Cooper
-I know you're going to be a great mommy!  -Nina

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1D Kiddos are Too Cute!

The 1D kiddos started an impromptu project during choice time today.

Country Maternity Photos

On our last country weekend without baby, we took some photos so we could remember just how BIG my belly had gotten! The only problem was Hamilton who kept photo bombing us:) (he is just so cute so we had to include him in the photo shoot)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dressing the Baby Bump

I decided pretty early on in my pregnancy that maternity clothes were not for me so I had to get creative:)

Thumper thinks Uncle Adam is the BEST Babysitter!

While we were in Michigan, Uncle Adam looked after Thumper!

New York Baby Shower hosted by Fran & Julie

Baby Karger is getting spoiled! He had another wonderful shower, this one hosted by Fran & Julie. Despite being really sick, I had a great time catching up with friends and family! The Michigan ladies (mom, Ruthie & Judy) flying in for the special occasion was the icing on the Melissa's cupcakes!

 Judi, Ruthie, mom & Carol all here to celebrate baby K!
 Judy, Lenore & Tricia
Opening one of many generous gifts!

Michigan Baby Shower for Baby Karger

 Tower of cupcakes (pregnant womens dream!!)
 Roxanne sparred no detail for this shower! The food, games, and decorations were all amazing!

 Baby Brooklyn helped me open gifts!